Isar Archaeological Site - Marvinci village



Decades of research of the Isar Archaeological Site in the Village of Marvinci, Valandovo, have established the region as one of the most representative ancient archaeological sites in Macedonia and at the same time, they elevated it to one of the leading ancient archaeological sites in the Balkans.

For years, the findings of this archaeological site are considered to be the most exclusive ones of all archaeological exhibits in the country, so, any larger museum exhibit is unimaginable without them nowadays.



One of the most representative findings of the Macedonian cultural heritage stem from this archaeological site, such as the collection of cultic bronze jewellery from the so-called “Paionian Priestess” from the Iron Age, an ancient helmet, jewellery and ceramic ware from early antiquity, as well as the architrave of the city temple of Hercules from the Roman period, which was built by a Macedon arch.

The Isar Archaeological Site is located immediately on top of today’s village of Marvinci - Valandovo. It extends upon an easily accessible elevated terrain in the Southwest of the village and offers a wonderful view of the Valandovo Structural Basin and the Vardar River.



Settlements and necropolises that existed from the VII century BC to the VI century AD have been discovered at the archaeological site.

The city was directly connected with an important Balkan main road for trade from north - South that would not only involve the city in all historical events, but it would also transform it into a truly modern cosmopolitan city that would persist for centuries.



Although the city enjoyed prosperity ever since early antiquity, it reached the zenith of its wealth in the Hellenic period, likely due to the successful Macedonian conquests in the East.

However, it reached its urban zenith in the Roman period, when the city spread over almost all of the available surface. Today, most of the remains in the archaeological site witness the last stage in the life of the city, when the city turned into a small defensive fortification with a wall, becoming a castrum.


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