Struga Poetry Evenings
Any literature lover already knows that Struga has been gathering the most significant and best known poets at the Struga Poetry Evenings for more than 50 years. Towards the end of August the meeting of notable poets from around the world begins as they gather to pay respect to poetry. The Festival is traditionally opened by reading the poem “T’ga za jug” (“Longing for the South”) written by Konstantin Miladinov, a poet who is considered the pioneer of modern Macedonian poetry and in whose honor this event is held.
Each year a renowned poet is chosen and awarded with an international poetry award called “Golden Wreath”. At the same time, the award “Brakja Miladinovci” (Miladinovci Brothers) is awarded for the best book of poetry published in Macedonian.

Throughout the existence of this international poetry festival, more than 5,000 poets have participated, coming from more than a hundred countries. This makes Struga the biggest gathering point for poets from around the world. Therefore, it is said that this city is a poetry kingdom, and the festival is called the biggest celebration of poetry. Previous poets who have been awarded the “Golden Wreath” are Pablo Neruda, Allen Ginsberg, Ted Hughes, Joseph Brodsky, Tomas Tranströmer and many others.
Readings on the Poetry Bridge over the beautiful river Drim, the sound of many languages, the beautiful landscape of Struga, and the different cultures and civilizations intertwined, create a unique and unforgettable experience for all lovers of peace and life, as well as of nature, wine and literature.