Hiking in Mavrovo



The territory of the National Park Mavrovo, has many trails that can be used for hiking and mounatin biking. They have different difficulty, length and degree of usebility. Routes contained in this informational material intended for recreational mountain tourism and they are standardized and categorized by the Macedonian Association of International Mountain Leaders in accordance with international criteria. All these trails are part of the cultural and civilization heritage of the Republic of Macedonia. For maintenance and infrastructure arrangement for the tourist and recretional  trails cares National Park “Mavrovo” with  expert assistance of professional leaders from the Macedonian Association of International Mountain Leaders.

National Park “Mavrovo” is not responsible for the personal safety of users of the paths and for save movement along the same, recommended mandatory observance of the rules of movement and residence for staing the mountains, using a complete equipment and hiring a professional mountain guide with a valid license to operate. If you like your recreation to be a real pleasure, do not leave the tour without backpack, appropriate hiking shoes, container for liquid, protective clothing for rain or snow, walking sticks, spare clothes, first aid equipment. If you decide to mountain biking, in adidition to equipment previosly indicated, we recommend mandatory use of protective helmet, and  remind you that your bike should be in full technical correctness.

As we move in to the zone of pastures will encounter flocks of sheep that are accompanied by dogs, security guards, who in this situation react defensively to the flock, manifesting apparent aggression towards the visitor. But dogs are not aggressive, just doing their job to protect the flock. Аt a meeting with them is necessary to react calmly and wait to appear shepherd. Usually at the first communication you make with a shepherd they are reconciled. We should not react with fear and aggression or unnecessary to approach near the flock. National Park “Mavrovo” asking visitors for caring behavior toward natural and cultural values ​​in the park for their preservation for future generations. Additional information can be obtained at the tourist info point  of the national park Mavrovo on the phone: (042) 489 425.



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