The museum in Strumica was established on September 28, 1952 in the object of former Jewish school as the National Museum in 1952. In 1963, the National Museum moved to the building of the Higher Agricultural School, where, according to the spatial and material conditions, a permanent exhibition which existed for several years, was realized.
In 1978, the National Museum was renamed to the Institute for the Protection of the Monument of Culture and Natural Rarities and Museum, which led to creation of several departments as: Department of Ethnology, History, History of Art, Archaeology, Architecture, Conservatory and Photography Department.

After 2000, the Institution was renamed into the National Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture and Museum –Strumica, that lead to more dynamic activities, that include the care for continuous and protective study of cultural heritadge.
The competences of the Institution for protection of cultural heritage (intangible and tangible) are extended toward a wider geographical area beyond the Strumica region, including regions of Dojran-Valandovo and Gevgelija region.
For its work, protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural heritage, the Institution has received several recognitions and awards, being as well an organizer of many temporary exhibitions in its own gallery space.
The Institution is also responsible for maintaining the following cultural monuments and localities: the site of Tsarevi Kuli, Church Complex within Vodocha Monastery, Church of „St.Bogoroidica Milostiva“ Еleusа, Мonastery of Veljusa, Late Roman thermal resort "Bansko Bath", "St. Fifteen Tiveriopol martyrs" site with the gallery of icons, Memorial House of Blagoj Jankov-Mucheto, the building of Turkish Post etc.

Address: NU Institute for the Protection of Monuments of Culture and Museum – Strumica, st. 27-th March no. 2, 2400 Strumica, Republic of North Macedonia. The Museum's setting is open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm.
The price of tickets for the permanent exhibition of the NU Institute and Museum-Strumica is 30 denars for children, 60 denars for adults and 150 denars for visitors from abroad. Website