The museum of rare minerals, in which the mineralogical collection is presented, was opened as part of the House of Culture "Zletovski Rudar" from Probishtip. The mineralogical collection, unique in North Macedonia as such, is consisted of a large number of rare examples of minerals and rocks. Also, within the museum there are also a archeological findings, that witness the five centuries old mining tradition in the region of Probishtip.
After The World War II, the first more serious mineral-geological researches resulted with the discovery of relatively, well preserved archeological finding, a tools, wooden tubs and leather bags (ХV-ХVII century AD) with which the mining and transport of the mine to the melting companies was carried out.

Among the oldest archaeological remains are two reliefs found in an abandoned underground passage, dating from the Roman period (II I III century .AD). The roman god Hercules (Greek Heracles -protector of the miners and metallurgists) is presented on the one of the reliefs as he is holding mace, and on the second relief, there is a presentation of a miner holding a hammer and a wedge.
In the last 30 years, the collection is enriched with interesting examples of minerals and rocks, found in our geological sites and the archaeological sites in North Macedonia, and also examples found on the area of former Yugoslavia, Europe and worldwide. E-mail: Tel. +389 (0)32 482-501, Web:, Facebook: