Hunting and hunting grounds in Macedonia
Hunting and hunting grounds in Macedonia are characterized by rich vegetation and wildlife that provide good conditions for game nutrition, as well as natural shelters. All the hunting grounds in Macedonia have clean water that enables survival of the wildlife and vegetation. As a sport, it is becoming more attractive in this country.

Nidze region
Macedonia has many regions, and one of the well-known is the Nidze region, which is characterized by rich vegetation and wildlife that are excellent preconditions. Vegetation in the hunting ground provides good conditions for feeding the game as well as natural shelters. The shelters are the result of various types of forest communities of the downy oak and white hornbeam, sessile oak, subalpine, forest and sub-forest beech, pine and fir forests. In the highest parts, where forest vegetation stops, various Alpine grass communities appear.

Description of the region
The area satisfies the tastes of hunting tourists and all nature lovers. The lake "Ceben" adds to the natural beauty of the region. The plant Dianthus kajmaktzaianicus is a southern Balkan endemic plant, present at the peak Kajmakcalan on Mount Nidze at about 2,500 m above sea level. This is a very old high-mountain plant that grows up to the ground or slightly upright. This forms numerous twigs that finish at the top with flowers. The hunting ground regularly provides does/deers, wild boars, hares, patridges, vipers, a variety of pigeons, a forest snipe. From the unprotected game there are wolves, foxes, weasels, white martens, golden martens, skunks, magpies, goshawks and other.
History of the region Nidze
The peak Kajmakcalan has a great historical significance for the European peoples. It was at this hunting ground that in 1916 the famous battle for Kajmakcalan during the First World War took place. As a historical attraction, today, you can visit the great number of monuments, bunkers and graves, which are solid proof of that time. The Nidze is an attractive location for many visitors interested in hunting, tourists, due to its rich history, natural beauty and wildlife.

Nidze hunting
On the southeast from the City of Bitola, in the area known as Mariovo is the hunting ground for big game - Nidze. The total area of the hunting ground is 20.286ha, and the hunting area is 19.694ha. The presence of various types of forests provides the wildlife with natural shelters, which is very important, especially in the reproductive period.

For the hunting of Nidze, the wild boar and the doe/deer are represented, but in the separate parts of the hunting ground the wild rabbit is constantly present. Despite the fact that it is small game, it appears in a small part of the area of the hunting ground at 1.200 m above sea level. In the hunting ground, badgers, patridges, a variety of pigeons, forest snipes... are regularly or periodically found. From the unprotected game, there are wolves, foxes, weasels, white martens, golden martens, skunks, magpies, goshawks and other. The hunting ground has historical significance gained during the First World War, whereby the line on the front where a large number of soldiers from different European countries fought, was stretching to a part of the hunting area. It is part of the history of a serious number of European nations and the vast number of trenches, bunkers and various other remains of that time, are today a significant historical and cultural monument.
Hunting grounds in Macedonia
In the hunting grounds around the country there is small game, feathery and hairy game. The wolf, marten, skunk, fox, hawk, weasel and many other belong to the game without protection. Many of the areas pass through parts where hunters can learn about the culture of the state, religion and history. The locations are attractive and full of excitement of all types.

More information can be found on this website.